Plumbing and Heating serving across London. Friendly and professional service. Std rate £90 per hour.

Posted by mrnassar.com_ltd on Saturday, 23 July 2022

M R Nassar is constantly inspired by his work in the field of plumbing and heating to create paintings and art and also write. It is a natural disposition that has been addressed and below are a few of such expressions to appreciate.

Cabin in the North

An awe inspiring piece 3 x 2 1/2 feet in dimension. Imagining a house in the wilderness of the northern hemisphere on a winters night. Firewood collected in the summer its main source of heat and water by means of melted ice.

Paramount Ocean

Also 3 x 2 1/2 feet in dimension. A masterpiece displaying a plumbers problem the size of an ocean sky high in waves. Could be the thought of a mains water leak the coldness of which gushes forth fear and bewilderment.

Home Theatre

4 1/2 x 3 feet in dimension. A piece inspired by a Russian art piece seen in a home of a customer. It depicts the panic and drama caused when a heating and plumbing related problem occurs in a dwelling. The King and Queen of the house takes a back seat whilst plumber after plumber has a crack at the problem up and down the stairs and floors.

For purchasing inquiries contact me directly through options found on this website.
